10 Jun 2010

EAZA - How zoos are contributing to wildlife conservation.

Zoos... what images or memories arise when you think about zoos?
There are thousands of different types of zoos all around the world. Personally I have been to a variety of zoos ranging from well managed, well cared for, free-range safari type zoos to a couple of dismal zoos in Asia where animals were kept in cages far too small for them and with no means of stimulation or exercise relief.

Recently I was editor for the Wildlifelines Foundation, on a short clip for EAZA, the European Association for Zoos and Aquaria.
From this experience it dawned on me what a huge positive impact zoos can have on wildlife conservation and something I never really thought about was that, besides species breeding programmes and various educational and funding campaigns, zoos are sending both zoo keepers and scientists out into wild environments to work with the experts and locals who are in direct contact with endangered species.

I was really amazed by these stories and I invite you to view the EAZA clip linked here below.


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