15 May 2010

Welcome to the GiiA blog

Welcome to the Green Info, Inspiration and Action Blog,
commonly known as the GiiA blog, with a capital A for Action, as this is the main purpose of this blog.

Since becoming involved with filmmaking, communications and the environment I have continuously felt inspired by the power of the media, on both global and local scales, to inspire the people to rise to positive action and change.

Over the coming months, or even years, we will be looking at a range of issues, stories and facts that concern our Earth, our wildlife and our people. Topics and ideas discussed will vary greatly, from critical environmental impact stories to lighthearted "fun" green living eco tips.

The purpose of this blog is to harness the immense potential people power and the media and provide a contribution which will not only provide useful information, but more importantly, will inspire and empower you to rise to action, on any level that suits you and with almost every posting there will be an action tip or link you can follow to a make a difference.

The Green Info, Inspiration and Action Blog invites you to come back again and again, and please subscribe to the GiiA newsletter!

This blog is for you, who ever you are, where ever you live, you can make a positive difference in this world, the power is your our hands!

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